Friday, March 27, 2009


So yesterday and today were SATS as you all know. And as you all probablly know, i had ms. rausch as the teacher. It wasn't terrible, but it definitly would have been nice 2 have a friend in that room. :-( so yesterday wuz completly boring, then hayley came over and we watched youtube videos (300 stuffed animal pack lol) and that wuz much better and dance was lots of fun and i learned some new tricks and then today came. Was it hard 4 anyone else 2 wake up this morning? cause i just wanted 2 stay in bed and play hookie!!!! but in a way im glad i didnt skip, because i wouldve missed hanna's phone going off during testing. "Can't read my Can't read my No he can't read my poker face P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face" goes off and then mrs rausch "whose phone is that" and hanna slowly and timidly raises her hand, her phone is taken away, and then she starts balling. it was pretty sad. we were all like that really sucks. hanna then goes to the bathroom, and when she comes back, she asks 4 her phone back...wat??? i mean seriously...when mrs rausch takes your phone, u dont ask for it back...its STUPID. but other than that i feel really bad 4 her i mean getting a saturday school on the last day till spring break~~CRAPPY. Now getting off that CRAPPY subject, hayley's got me saying "seriously" wayy tooo much~~seriously halyey!!! lol jkjk ahhhh i need a diferent word!!!! And have you guys seen tyler's hair cut...LOL why, why tyler, why do you have 2 make paige suffer so??? oh and then i forgot 2 mention the pop quiz explosion from mrs rausch. i mean of course almost everyone would fail that quiz! it was rediculous! Personally, i got a 50% FWI, and suprisingly im NOT upset w/. the grade, even tho its failing. well, i g2g get ready 2 go babysit and earn some $$$$ so, c u guys l8er :-) luvv ya


  1. SERIOUSLY??? ha ha ha i didn't think i would get you started on that i mean seriously??? lol Hope you have a seriously awesome spring break!!! yeah all thoughs sseriously's up there i just put in as a joke, i wouldn't ever say it THAT many times *couch cough lexi cough* jk lol

  2. watev, SERIOUSLY seriously is MY word, what is up, its like everyone is takin my words these days. . . i mean oober seriously ugh :P
